Liquid Fire

Spill Tech has treated over 100 thousand tons of contaminated soil using Liquid Fire with a 100% success rate to date.


A revolutionary mobile technological development in the treatment of contaminated soil brought to you by Spill Tech – Responsible Environmental Management

What is liquid fire

  • Liquid Fire represents an accelerated on-site method of remediating petroleum (and other) hydrocarbons in contaminated soils.
  • Based on the site-specific sample results – our dedicated soil scientist reviews and designs a bespoke soil treatment process.
  • The system can treat petroleum hydrocarbons and more recalcitrant compounds such as chlorinated solvents, pesticides and herbicides.
  • The turnaround time to reach target level compliant soils within as little as 2 days.
  • Liquid Fire system can treat up to 150 tons of contaminated soil per day.

Traditional Bio-Remediation

  • Time consuming (months)
  • Labour, equipment and space intensive
  • Between 4 and 24 months remediation time
  • Continuous monitoring and maintenance of the site required

Liquid Fire

  • Fast and effective
  • Mobile unit with small footprint and minimal staff
  • Remediation within 48 hours from treatment
  • No post treatment maintenance required
  • Remediated soil available for backfill immediately after treatment

The Process

Liquid Fire involves a combination of physical and chemical treatment. Contaminated soil undergoes mechanical pre-treatment that removes rocks and cobbles from the soil, The mechanical preparation of the soil ensures that the soil is of a standard consistency required for the chemical treatment process. Following the mechanical treatment process, the soil is then put through the Liquid Fire unit where a proprietary blend of chemical agents are applied to the contaminated soil. The chemicals rapidly oxidize the contaminant rendering the soil rehabilitated.

  • Laboratory analysis to identify contaminants (Petroleum, Solvents, Herbicides, Pesticides, Cyanide)
  • Identify soil type and moisture regime
  • Remove rubble, boulders, and cobbles and prepare for physio-chemical processing.
  • Site-specific blend of chemicals added to soils to destroy contaminants
  • NOT bio-remediation: contaminants are mineralised to CO2 and H2O
  • Soil samples submitted for validation laboratory analysis and compared to accepted target limits
  • Replacement of soil, compaction and make good (if required by client)

Advantages of

  • Rapid on site treatment (Results within 48 hours of treatment)
  • Hydrocarbons mineralised (destroyed) to basic constituents of CO2 and  H2O
  • Zero to negligible runoff water produced requiring catchment and treatment / disposal
  • Mobile and agile deployment of equipment to different locations

actual case studies

case study 1

A quantity of 1 320 tons of soil was contaminated by an underground fuel storage tank leak at a service station forecourt. The soil was contaminated with diesel. The affected soil was excavated and stockpiled for treatment. Samples were lifted and analysed to determine the treatment recipe. Once treatment process was determined, the process took a total of 33 days to conclude. Upon completion of the treatment, samples were lifted for analysis to  confirm the effectiveness of the process. The process was proven to be successful and the treated soil was backfilled into the excavation following the verification sample analysis.

** Post-treatment values complied with RSA DEA SSV1

Sample Description
TOTAL "TPH Banded C10-C36" (mg/kg)

(Analysis performed at an independant accredited labratory)

Average Maximum
Values pre-treatment 19 050 24 000
Values after treatment** 54 69
** Post-treatment values complied with RSA DEA SSV1
case study 2

A tanker rollover resulted in a large spillage of paraffin. 960 tons of the impacted soil was excavated and stockpiled for treatment. The process took 3 weeks due to the soil having a very high clay content. Upon completion, the analysis of the soil samples at an independent accredited laboratory confirmed the effectiveness of the treatment process. The successfully treated soil was utilised as a backfill.

** Post-treatment values complied with RSA DEA SSV1

Sample Description
TOTAL "TPH Banded C10-C36" (mg/kg)

(Analysis performed at an independant accredited labratory)

Average Maximum
Values pre-treatment 5 070 15 000
Values after treatment** 480 530
** Post-treatment values complied with RSA DEA SSV1